1 |
Subsidy for Establishment of Vermi Compost Units (HDPE Vermibed)
2 |
Subsidy for Planting Material and Cultivation of High Value Vegetables Grown in Poly House
3 |
Portable Sprinkler irrigation system
4 |
Issuance of Essentiality Certificate
5 |
Pollination support in Bee Keeping
6 |
Subsidy for Establishment of Seed Infratructure
7 |
Subsidy for Establishment of Hi-Tech Nursery (4Hac)
8 |
Krishi Utpaad Sarankshan Anti Hail Net Yojna
9 |
Subsidy for Purchase of Manual, Power Operated, Tractor Mounted Sprayer
10 |
Subsidy for Strengthening of Existing Tissue Culture (TC) Units
11 |
Subsidy for Setting up New Tissue Culture Units
12 |
Fruit and Vegetables Preservation Process or Canning
13 |
Subsidy for Establishment of Mushroom Unit
14 |
Subsidy for Establishment of Food Processing Unit
15 |
Advisory of Plant Nutrition Through leaf Analysis
16 |
Renewel of Pesticide License
17 |
Demand of Pesticides
18 |
Production of bee colonies by bee breeder
19 |
MEHAK (Aromatic Plants) Scheme
20 |
Subsidy for Organic Farming
21 |
Subsidy for Establishment of New Gardens (Area Expansion) (High Density Planting)
22 |
Subsidy for Construction of Shed Net House Structure under Protected Cultivation
23 |
Demand of Improved Quality Planting Material (HPHDP
24 |
Subsidy for Installation of Mini Irrigation system
25 |
Assistance under DBT on Pesticides
26 |
Mukhya Mantri Green House Renovation Scheme
27 |
Subsidy for Integrated Pack House (with facilities for conveyer belt, sorting, grading units, washin
28 |
Subsidy for Organic Certification
29 |
Know Your Subsidy or Subsidy Calculator
30 |
Renewal of Importer License
31 |
Addition of Insecticides in Pesticide License
32 |
Subsidy for Establishment of New Garden(Area Expansion) (Normal Spacing Plantation)
33 |
Subsidy for Construction of Walk in Tunnels
34 |
Subsidy for Purchase of Tractor
35 |
Registration as Mushroom Grower
36 |
Sub-Mission on Agriculture Mechanization Scheme (SMAM)
37 |
Subsidy for Pack House
38 |
Equipment including honey extractor (4 frame), food grade container (30 kg), net, including complete
39 |
Mukhya Mantri Kiwi protsahan Yojna
40 |
Food Processing Unit (Under MIDH)
41 |
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojna
42 |
Subsidy for Installation of Micro Irrigation system
43 |
Subsidy for Purchase of Tractor , Power Tiller Driven Equipments (below 20 BHP)
44 |
Post Harvest Horticulture Inputs and Activities (MIDH)
45 |
Subsidy for Rejuvenation, Replacement of Senile Plantation and Canopy Management
46 |
Subsidy for Area Expansion for Spices Farming
47 |
Horticulture Inputs and Activities (MIDH and RKVY)
48 |
Subsidy for Area Expansion for Farming of Aromatic Plants
49 |
Subsidy for Construction of Plastic Tunnels in Hilly Areas
50 |
Subsidy for Planting Material and Cultivation of Orchid and Anthurium under Poly Shade Net House
51 |
Issuance of Pesticide License
52 |
Renewal of Fruit Nursery Lecense
53 |
Subsidy for Cultivation of Hybrid Vegetables
54 |
Addition of Fruit Variety at Registered Nursery
55 |
Subsidy for upgrading Nursery Infrastructure
56 |
Crop Insurance
57 |
Grant of Fruit Nursery License
58 |
Large Volume Sprinklers (Rain gun)
59 |
Anti Hail Net Scheme
60 |
Demand of Quality Horticulture Inputs (Plants, Tools and Implements) (SCA to SCSP)
61 |
Subsidy for Establishment of small nursery (1. Hac)
62 |
Subsidy for Establishment of Collection, Sorting or Grading, Packing units, etc.
63 |
Subsidy for Purchase of Manual Operated Equipment (Pruning secateurs, Pruning saw, Budding or graft
64 |
Subsidy for Establishment of Anti Bird or Anti Hail Nets
65 |
Subsidy for Establishment of Water Harvesting System
66 |
Himachal Pushp Kranti Yojna
67 |
Horticulture Development Scheme
68 |
Subsidy for upgrading Nursery Infrastructure
69 |
Subsidy for Establishment of Small Scale Mushroom Unit
70 |
Subsidy for Purchase Power Tiller
71 |
Subsidy for Installation of Drip Irrigation system
72 |
Himachal Khumb Vikas Yojna
73 |
Your Application Status
74 |
Honey bee colony
75 |
Subsidy for Establishment of Vermi Compost Units or Organic Input Production
76 |
Bee Hives
77 |
Subsidy for Beekeeping
78 |
Subsidy for Area Expansion for Flower Farming
79 |
Subsidy for Planting Material, Cultivation of Carnation, Gerbera under Poly House or Shade Net Hou
80 |
Subsidy for Plastic Mulching in Hilly Area
81 |
Subsidy for purchase of Self-propelled Horticulture Machinery
82 |
Subsidy for Planting Material and Cultivation of Rose and Lilum under Poly House or Shade Net House
83 |
Mukhya Mantri Madhu Vikas Yojna
84 |
Mukhya Mantri Madhu Vikas Yojna
85 |
Semi-Permanent Sprinkler System
86 |
Subsidy for Creation of Community Tanks with use of Plastic, RCC Lining
87 |
Subsidy for Purchase of Manual Operated Equipment (Pruning secateurs, Pruning saw, Budding or graft